Thursday, May 30, 2013

Online Textbooks v/s Printed Textbooks

In my earlier years of schools, students were taught using textbooks. Each textbook outlined the course of the class, and each student received their own individual textbook. However, in high school, students were introduced to online textbooks (e-books). A more accessible version of a standard textbook, online or digital textbooks are definitely better and have more advantageous.

Whether you are in grade school or college, students will attend multiple classes and will have to carry several textbooks. Textbooks are often thick and heavy and carrying more than one can be a hassle. The farther apart the classes are, the more troublesome it is to tote hard cover books. A great advantage of using e-book is the convenience and availability. An e-book that contains the same amount content and layout as a hard cover textbook can be taken anywhere. Internet access is all a buyer needs to purchase an e-book. Once the e-book is purchased, the e-text can be downloaded onto a flash drive, tablet, kindle, computer, cell phone, or laptop. The ability to download hundreds of e-textbooks onto a portable device is a great advantage of e-books.

Students are often told to be cautious when using hard cover textbooks, which are very expensive, and both parents and teachers tell students to handle their textbooks with care. Losing or damaging a hardcover textbook may result in spending hundreds on a replacement. To save money, public schools often reuse textbooks despite the students’ complaints. The purchasing of e-books is often cheaper than purchasing newer hard cover textbooks. Once purchased, buyers are able to download their e-book to multiple devices at different times.

Thus, using e-books will relieve some of the physical and financial stressors placed on students. Students who have access to technologies will save money and always have their books available.

Please share your views.

Didier Porter II

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